MONDAY, NOV. 14, 2022
rand Erie is reviewing its French Immersion programs and would like your input to help shape those programs going forward. We’ve put together a short survey with questions around the enrolment process and entry points for French Immersion. This survey will remain open until November 28, and your input will become part of the data submitted to the French Immersion Review ad hoc committee, which will include this information in a final report with recommendations to the Board of Trustees next year.
Happy “new year”! I hope everyone had a pleasant summer holiday. It’s been nice to talk to students and parents this week about all the things you’ve done over the past two months. I’ve heard lots of stories of fun trips and relaxation. I’ve also heard a few about some more stressful experiences that life seems to always present. Whatever the past 2 months brought for you, I’m looking forward to working together again as a Boston School Family to support each other. September brings the opportunity for fresh starts and lots of reason for optimism. Each and every student is full of potential, and on a pathway that is their own unique success story (always in progress)!
This year you’ll notice that the
staff is mostly the same with a few exceptions.
Mrs. Huffman is off this year with her new baby. We would like to
welcome Ms. Agius, who has joined us to teach the 3/4 class. We are excited to have her back as part of
the Boston team! We would also like to
welcome Mrs. Trembley as our new custodian.
We are all in good hands with her making sure the building is in good shape!
On the first day, we had a
Welcome-Back Assembly in which we committed to two very simple things this
year: 1) We will always do our best
2) We will always be kind
I believe those two simple
statements can guide every decision we make every day, and I’ve asked every
Blazer to consider them when they are making choices.
Once again, welcome to a new school year. It’s good to be back!