MONDAY, NOV. 14, 2022
rand Erie is reviewing its French Immersion programs and would like your input to help shape those programs going forward. We’ve put together a short survey with questions around the enrolment process and entry points for French Immersion. This survey will remain open until November 28, and your input will become part of the data submitted to the French Immersion Review ad hoc committee, which will include this information in a final report with recommendations to the Board of Trustees next year.
On May the 20th our DD Class participated in Grand Erie’s first Special Education Games. The students got to take part in a variety of fun activities. Each activity had predetermined standards and the students were awarded ribbons for each event they took part in. Our students earned a variety of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and participant ribbons.
Our class took home 1st place in the “Create your Mascot Contest”, earning us a class pizza party! Class participants included; Kayden, Lilly, Jonathan, Spencer, Karlan, Jacob, Justyse, Hayley, Alyssa, and Stantone. We all really enjoyed the day.
Please meet our 1st place Mascot – Captain Cedarland Cyclone