On Tuesday September 25, 2018, we have the opportunity to visit Stratford Ontario and experience the play The Music Man. We will be departing OB at 9 a.m. and will be arriving in Stratford about 10:15. The play begins at 2:00 p.m. and students are expected to be at the Festival Theatre at 1:30. This allows for 3 hours for students to explore the historic town in small groups and find something to eat, at their own expense. There is a park with a picnic area for students who wish to bring a lunch from home. (If it is raining heavily, we will be leaving at 11:00 and stopping at the OnRoute for lunch.) The show will be over at 4:45 and busses will be departing at 5:00. We will be arriving back at OB at 7 p.m. Parents will need to arrange transportation home from OB at this time.
Online payment will be available until September 17th.