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Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Grand Erie believes every student has individual learning needs, and when those needs are met, the student can experience success. Some students have exceptional learning needs and may require special programs and services.
A student with exceptional needs is a learner whose behaviour, communication, intellectual, physical or multiple exceptionalities are such that he/she is considered to need special education programs as defined in the Education Act.
What is the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)?
Who is on the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)?
The SEAC of Grand Erie is comprised of:
What does SEAC do?
The Special Education Advisory Committee is provided with the opportunities to:
A special education advisory committee of a board may make recommendations to the board in respect of any matter affecting the establishment, development and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils of the board.
When does SEAC meet?
SEAC meetings are held on a monthly basis, with a minimum of ten meetings per school year. The meetings are held at the Education Centre, 349 Erie Avenue, Brantford, and are open to the public.
What can SEAC do for me?
SEAC is a committee that represents the interests of all children with exceptional needs. Although specific children and issues are not discussed at SEAC, broad issues affecting services across the school board can be raised for discussion.SEAC representatives have a good knowledge of specialized services and programs of the school board, and can help parents to navigate through the school system.
Support and Resources
How can I become involved with SEAC?
Parents, community members or members of local associations wishing representation on SEAC should write to:
Grand Erie is currently seeking new SEAC members
How can I express my views on a Special Education Topic to SEAC?
Parents, community members or members of local associations wishing to express their views on a special education topic should write to:
Who should I contact with questions about Special Education services or programs?
The following resources / publications are available at your local school or at the Grand Erie board office (519) 756-6301:
Additional information: