It is a pleasure to welcome each student and family to Delhi Public School. By working together as parents, students and staff we can ensure the best possible educational opportunities for our children.
Delhi Public School provides educational programs for students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. As well, we have a program for students with special needs.
We are proud of our tradition of cooperation and support with the local community, for over 125 years.
We look forward to working with all our students and their families to provide programs which inspire personal success.
The agenda is an important part of your child’s education program.
Our MISSION Engage, support and inspire all learners to achieve and succeed.
Our BELIEF We believe that our students should be considered first as the basis for decision-making.
Our VISION Growing Excellence… Inspiring Success.
Delhi Public School uses the student planner daily to increase skill growth in all of these areas:
The Ontario Education Act requires students to attend school regularly. If your child will be absent or late, parents are required to phone the school. Please phone 519-582-1890 each day of your child’s absence. This will assist us in providing a measure of safety in that children sent to school and who do not report to their classroom are identified quickly so parents can take action. If children are to be out of school for an extended period of time parents are required to complete a Temporary Out of School form and return it to the office. Students are responsible for acquiring and completing the assignments missed during their absence.
No Nuts Please!
Delhi Public is a Nut Aware School. Please do not send your child to school with peanuts or products containing peanuts.
Bus Transportation
Riding the bus is a privilege – not a right. Co-operation on everyone’s part is what makes this work for all of us. The bus driver is in charge on the bus and students must follow the driver’s direction to maintain their bus privileges. Please discuss with your children the expectations for riding a bus quietly, staying in one seat, and respecting the driver. This is in the interest of all children.
Volunteers are welcome and most appreciated at Delhi Public School. Volunteers provide an avenue for getting the community involved in our school and offering additional support for programs. Volunteers are needed on a regular basis for:
Please contact your child’s classroom teacher or the school office if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. All volunteers are required to complete a criminal record check.
All visitors to the school must check in at the office. Visitors include everyone who is not a student or staff member of Delhi Public School. For safety reasons, no one is permitted to be in our school without a specific purpose approved by the office and known to the staff. Visitor tags are provided at the office through the check-in/sign-in procedure.
Dress Code
Delhi Public School does not prescribe uniforms for its students or staff. Clothing should be modest, comfortable, and tidy. Clothing must be suited for the weather. Students need indoor shoes to be worn in the building at all times. Belly shirts or low-waist pants exposing the midriff are not acceptable. Muscle-shirts or string shoulder strap tank tops and low-cut necklines are inappropriate. Clothing that displays offensive/inappropriate messages are not to be worn to school. Students will be asked to cover up or will be sent home (for appropriate clothing) when clothing does not meet this simple dress code.
Emergency School Closing
Please listen to the local radio station (FM 98.9 or FM 92.1) for details during severe weather days. The broadcasters will inform you if all schools are going to be closed for that day. If we must send our students home due to bad weather, our parent volunteers will call the preferred emergency number which you have given us to ensure that someone is available to receive your child.
Student Information Sheet
On occasion we have found that a child has no phone number or that we could not reach anyone at the phone number we have on file. In the interests of your child’s safety, be sure we have a current phone number at which a family member can be reached.
Computer Use
The internet can be a valuable resource to students to find information. The School Board has installed security software on our computer network which blocks access to most inappropriate sites but this software is not foolproof. Teachers will also be instructing students in proper “netiquette” and what to do if they accidentally come across questionable material. Students will use the internet under direct adult supervision and follow the expectations of the Code of Digital Citizenship.
Illness and injury
If a child becomes ill or injured at school, we will notify the parents or guardian as soon as possible. If they cannot be reached the “emergency contact” will be contacted. If no contact can be made, we will deal with the emergency as best we can. At all time, the safety and well-being of the child is our priority. A nurse is not available in the school. If a child is too ill to attend class, you will be requested to take him/her home. Children who are ill should not be sent to school with the parent hoping they will be okay when they get to school. Be prepared with a back-up plan for the morning when your child wakes up too sick to come to school. Injuries do happen and, in most cases, some ice or a band aid will address the problem to everyone’s satisfaction. When an injury happens that, in our opinion, may require medical attention, we will contact the parent as quickly as possible. All blows to the head, known to staff, are reported to parents. The Grand Erie Policy for Concussion and Head Injury will be followed.
The school staff is only permitted to store and administer prescription medication for students. In order to do this we must have a completed authorization form, SIGNED BY YOUR DOCTOR, along with the medication. The appropriate form can be obtained from the school office. All medication MUST be in original prescription containers and is kept locked for safekeeping. School staff are not permitted to store or administer non-prescription medication. From time to time parents request that their children be kept in at recess due to illness. We generally do not have the staff available to supervise these students. If children are not well enough to spend these times outdoors and benefit from fresh air, it is best if they remain at home.
Cell Phones and Internet Access Technology
Students are allowed to have cell phones and other devices at school to be used in class for the learning process and with the direction of the teacher. Otherwise, they must not be visible or in use during the school day, including recesses. These devices will be taken to the office by the student at the time of any offense and picked up at the end of the day. These measures are taken to protect the learning environment and safety of your children.
Students are permitted to use cameras and video recording devices at school with the direction and supervision of a teacher.
A secretary is available Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. When your child is absent from school, please call the secretary, if possible before 9:30 a.m. There is a voice mail system if you wish to call early. The secretary will try to contact the homes of students who are reported absent by a teacher. If your child arrives late for school, please have your child sign in at the office and send a note to the teacher. Students leaving the school earlier than 3:05 p.m. are asked to sign out at the office before they leave. It is expected that every absence or late is explained to the school.
Picking up and Dropping Off Students
Parents are requested to pick up students at the front entrance of the school on Queen Street. If you are entering the school, please sign in and out. For your benefit, please observe parking regulations. Students riding buses are dismissed on Park Avenue. Teacher supervision starts at 8:30 a.m. Students are dismissed at 3:05 p.m. and should be picked up at that time at the front of the school.
Early Dismissal and Late Arrival
If your child must leave school before the normal dismissal time, please send a signed and dated note to the teacher. As we have no easy nor accurate way of verifying the identity of a telephone caller, we will not release a student unless we are confident of the identity of the caller. Your child’s safety is of utmost concern to us. When students leave the school early or arrive late, they are expected to report to the office and sign out or in. Students arriving late will be given an admission stamp to explain their arrival to their teachers.
Lost and Found
Found items are placed in a container in the south hallway beside Room 5. Please have your children check if items are missing. At the end of each term, items will be displayed so that students can pick up their own belongings. You can assist us by putting NAMES on ALL your child’s belongings including gym bags, jackets, shoes and boots. Unclaimed items are given away at the end of each term.
School Resource Teams
Our School Team meets frequently to discuss student needs and to make program revisions and recommendations. The Resource Team meets monthly and other members may include attendance counselor, speech pathologist, social workers and a psychometrist.
Based on a little frog named Kelso, students in our primary classes learn and practice problem solving strategies to deal with small issues or conflicts that may arise. Common strategies are: walk away, wait and cool off, apologize, ignore it, share and take turns and go to another game.
We welcome students from the Delhi Public School community by inspiring and empowering them to embrace the values of P.R.I.D.E (participation, responsibility, integrity, determination and excellence) in their school experience. Students, staff and families work together to maintain a positive climate for learning both inside and outside of the classroom. Students are afforded the opportunity to develop and challenge their academic, social and self-motivation skills in an environment that fosters leadership and achievement in a variety of areas.
School Day Schedule
8:25 a.m.
Buses and walkers arrive
8:45 a.m.
Start of Day bell/classes begin
10:25 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.
Activity/Nutrition break #1
12:45 p.m. - 1:25 p.m.
Activity/Nutrition break #2
Educational Resources
Online access to Raz-Kids reading program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)
Online access to Sumdog math games program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)
Online access to free educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students to learn on the web
Online access to PBSkids games
Online access to Discovery Kids educational games and research
Online access to free educational games, online books, and comics. Funbrain, created for kids ages preschool through grade 8, offers more than 100 fun, interactive games that develop skills in math, reading, and literacy.