Why the Hornets?
Because our ideas are vibrant and colourful!
We believe in treating people gently!
And most of all, because we work well together, as a team!
Please take time to read the information below which has been prepared to provide you with some important information about our school. Since we now share responsibility for your child's education, it is important that you understand a bit about the operation of our school. If you have any questions about this handbook or about our program, do not hesitate to call the school (905-768-3012).
Hagersville Elementary School is a character friendly school. To that end, activities that promote specific character attributes that help students develop positive, responsible, and respectful pro-social behaviours are discussed and practiced. These character attribute are also the GEDSB Values.
Ongoing and positive communication with families is a priority at Hagersville Elementary School.
Families will receive news about the school and their child via the school website, personal interviews, telephone calls, newsletters and occasional letters. Some staff members will also communicate by email or social media sites.
The start time each day is 8:45 a.m. and the dismissal time is 3:05 p.m.
8:45 a.m.
Entry Bell
8:45 a.m. - 10:25 a.m.
Instructional Time
10:25 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.
Outdoor Recess and Nutrition Break
11:05 a.m. - 1:05 p.m.
Instructional Time
1:05 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Outdoor Recess and Nutrition Break
1:45 p.m.-3:05 p.m.
Instructional Time
3:05 p.m.
There is a tendency for some town students (walkers) to arrive too early. Planning to have your child(ren) here at 8:30 a.m. will allow them plenty of time. Playground supervision does not begin until 8:25 a.m.
Parkview Road and Main Street are extremely busy roadways. A crossing guard is on duty before school begins, during lunch time and after school. Students MUST cross in the crossing area and always obey the crossing guard.
Early buses will be dismissed from class at 2:55 p.m. All other students will be dismissed at 3:05 p.m. from their classrooms. Kindergaten students will dismiss out of the Kindergarten doors. Primary, junior and Mr. Comeau's students will dismiss out the front side door. The intermediate students will dismiss out the back doors.
Everyone at Hagersville Elementary is expected to be clean in their appearance. Styles of clothing will vary but presenting oneself in a positive manner befitting a public workplace should be the guideline. Questionable wording and pictures on clothing are not acceptable. Undergarments should not be visible and hats, hoods and other head gear are not to be worn in the school building.
Since weather is quite changeable in the spring and fall, you are urged to check the weather in the morning and send your child in clothing which will keep him/her warm and dry. Each day, students will be outside for two 20 minute recesses.
Students are able to bring personal electronic devices to school and must abide by the Personal Electronic Device Contract which is based on the GEDSB Code of Digital Citizenship. Hagersville Elementary School is not responsible for damage, loss or theft of personal electronic devices brought to school.
Hagersville Elementary School promotes the principles of equity and inclusive education. At HES we value the diversity of ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. At Hagersville Elementary we believe in fair, inclusive and respectful treatment of all people, and strive to base our educational decisions on the principles of acceptance and inclusion of all students. We do not tolerate put-downs based on race, culture, intellectual ability, sexual orientation, etc. We do not condone or tolerate discriminatory or homophobic language.
The Education Act requires that students attend class and be punctual. Attendance is also an important factor in student success at school. Too many missed days may lead to incomplete work, poor understanding and social disengagement. If your child will be absent or late, please call the school as soon as possible to let us know (message machine is on 24 hours each day).
Students will have the opportunity to receive an enjoyable and rewarding year of education. To help this happen, students are expected to attend class promptly, be prepared for class, act in a responsible and respectful manner while at school, participate in the many special activities and events and faithfully complete their work. Any student accomplishing these expectations will have a successful school year.
There is no place for gum at Hagersville Elementary School. Leaving gum at home is appreciated by custodial and teaching staff.
Students in all grades are expected to complete and hand in all school assignments in a timely fashion to the best of his/her ability. In grades 7 and 8 especially there is a lot of work to do, so students can expect to complete 1/2 to 1 hour of work each night.
The following Study Hints might help.
During the year, many opportunities will be available for students to participate in activities, intramural team games, school teams and major events. We encourage all of our students to participate in school activties and recognize how these opportunities enhance the overall school experience.
Hagersville Elementary School is on a five day cycle. A copy of the school year calendar showing the five day cycle will be sent home with students and will be posted on our website. Please keep it in a convenient place and refer to it frequently as it will help students know when materials, such as gym clothes, may be required.
The school library is for your use and enjoyment. Take time to learn and understand its arrangement. When you check out a book, you are responsible for the book’s return in good condition. Check the book before you leave the library, and if it needs repair, ask to have it done then, not when you return it. Books lost must be paid for. If a book is marked on the spine or on the card with R (reference) or TR (teacher reference), it is to be used in the library. Reference books are not be taken from the library unless a teacher requests a volume for class use.
Students have a twenty minute period each day to eat lunch. Before or after lunch, the students will have 20 minutes to play outdoors. Students who ride a bus must remain at school for the lunch time. They are not permitted to leave the playground. Students who walk to school may bring a lunch or go home for lunch. Any change must be accompanied by a note. Only intermediate students (grade 7 and 8) are permitted to "go up town for lunch" one time per week with a letter of permission from their parents/guardians. The student(s) can leave for lunch at the beginning of the second recess break after they sign out at the office. Students must return promptly from their lunch breaks off school property.
Hagersville Elementary is a peanut/nut aware school. Currently we have students and staff who can experience severe allergic reactions to peanut/nut or peanut/nut products. In order to be an inclusive and equitable environment for all, refrain from sending your child to school with peanut/nut products or peanut substitutes, such as "Wow Butter".
This time is to be used as a break from the classroom. Students must leave as a class, use the washroom and then go directly outside (weather permitting). Food must be eaten during the nutrition breaks and not outside at recess.
Every school day, many of our students travel to and from school on a school bus. Their well-being and safety is a concern to all of us. In order to provide a safe environment in which your child is transported, the following regulations and expectation are in place:
Students are expected to follow the following rules:
a) Parents are responsible for having their child(ren) at the place of pickup when the bus arrives in the morning. In the interest of all the children who are on time, the driver will not wait for any student who is not at the place of pickup. When parents need to pick up students, they should be picked up at their home school, not at a transfer point.
b) In accordance with established Board policy, transportation services cannot be provided for custom services such as different addresses on different days or short term changes. To assist families that require before and after school care, transportation may be arranged from one address in the morning and a different address in the afternoon provided it is a consistent arrangement.
c) Parents are responsible for the safety and conduct of their children prior to their pick-up and after leaving the bus at the end of the day.
d) Parents should impress upon their children the need for good behaviour and observance of safety precautions while riding the bus.
e) Parents are required to assist any student who requires assistance getting on and off the bus at his/her home stop.
f) Parents are responsible to monitor the GEDSB website and/or radio stations to make sure buses are running and schools are open.
g) When buses are running, parents have the right to make the final decision in sending children to school during inclement weather.
h) Parents are responsible for damages incurred by their children.
i) Parents are not to allow their students to bring pets on the bus.
j) Parents who become aware of a serious bus problem are encouraged to communicate with the school authorities as soon as possible about the problem.
The driveway at the school is inaccessible to parents by vehicle between 8:20 - 8:50 a.m. and 2:40 - 3:20 p.m. as we are unloading and loading buses during those times. This is also a designated fire route which must be kept clear for emergency vehicles. Please park along the road in front of the school in order to drop off or pick up your child.
The signal for the fire drill is a ringing of the fire bell and flashing lights. Fire drill instructions are posted in each room. The teacher will direct the class to leave the room quickly by the route indicated in the instructions. Books, pencils, paper and other items will not be taken along. The first two students reaching each exit will hold the doors open until the last students are out, then close them. Students are to move quickly, orderly and quietly so instructions can be heard.
All schools in the GEDSB, as part of a safe schools plan, must develop lockdown procedures. These procedures will be practiced in the fall and spring of each school year. Lockdown drills will be conducted in a manner that will not unduly upset younger children.
Students will be taken to Hagersville Secondary School in an emergency which requires the evacuation of the whole school. Parents will be notified by phone.
There are four zones in the Grand Erie District School Board. Hagersville Elementary School is in ZONE 2. School names will not be part of the announcement on the radio stations, only the zone affected by the weather will be announced. It is important we remember that we are ZONE 2. When transportation is cancelled in ZONE 2 Hagersville Elementary School is CLOSED for ALL students. You can access transportation information online by clicking here.
Complete information on Accident Insurance will be given to each student early in September. Participation in this insurance is voluntary. Parents wishing to purchase insurance should complete the form and send it directly to the insurance company.
Each student is required to return a completed Student Information sheet. This information is used to update our records and assist us in contacting parents when necessary. Please return this form right away. If there is a change of address, telephone number or emergency contact person during the year, please call us (905-768-3012) or send a note with your child - our records must be kept up-to-date.
Certificates will be part of the awards for students from JK to grade 7. As well, a number of individual plaques are awarded each year in the grade 8 class. Recognition for achievement and effort are both important aspects of life at Hagersville Elementary School.
Bicycles must be parked in the bicycle rack and should be locked. To ensure the safety of students’ bicycles, skateboards, scooters and roller blades may not be ridden on school property. Bicycle helmets must be worn by all students who ride bicycles to and from school.
Each year several items of value are lost or misplaced. To prevent this from occurring you are asked to label your possessions and refrain from bringing valuable items to school. Students who do bring items of value do so at their own expense. Lost and found articles will be stored for a short time. If they remain unclaimed, they will be given to charity.
Kindergarten Initial Observations of Learning and grade 1 to 8 progress reports, will be sent home in November. Parent/guardian interviews will be scheduled at a time that is convenient for families the following week.
Kindergarten Communication of Learning will be sent home in February to report on your child's progress in Term 1 (Sept.-Jan.) and in June to report on your child's progress in Term 2 (Feb.-June). Grade 1 to 8 report cards will be sent home in February to report on your child's progress in Term 1 (Sept.-Jan.) and in June to report on your child's progress in Term 2 (Feb.-June). Information in progress and term reports should be viewed as an assessment of your child’s individual progress. Parents are encouraged to call the teacher and/or office at any time regarding their child's progress throughout the school year.
Grand Erie District School Board has implemented the Safe Welcome Program within all of its elementary schools. Parents can now expect that all entrances to the school will be kept locked during the school day (8:30-3:15). Closed circuit television and controlled access buzzers have been installed.
To access the school during school hours you will be required to buzz the office and a staff member will provide you access to the school. Please report to the office to sign in and get a visitor tag before visiting other areas of the school.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not have full time clerical support in the office at all break times at Hagersville Elementary. As a result, access to the school may be limited throughout the day.
If a child becomes ill at school, we will attempt to notify the parents/guardians (or the emergency name and number supplied) as soon as possible. All children who are ill should remain home for their own health as well as the health of others. There seldom should be notes requesting that students remain indoors.
Injuries do happen. In most cases they are minor and can be remedied through our First Aid supplies. If, however, the injury appears to need medical attention, we will notify the parent or guardian as quickly as possible.
When a student arrives late, he/she must go to the office to see the secretary to sign in. A late slip will be given, which is to be handed to the classroom teacher. Students leaving early must go to the office and see the secretary to sign out.
Pictures of individuals and classes are taken each year. As the photo date approaches more information will be sent home.The school photo service provided to parents and purchase is strictly optional. Please read your options carefully.
Hagersville Elementary School employs several proactive strategies to build a positive, safe, inclusive and accepting school environment. However, there are times when students make poor choices and may create an unsafe school environment for themselves or others in the school community. When this happens, Hagersville Elementary School takes a Progressive Discipline Approach to promote positive student behaviour. Progressive discipline is a whole school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports and consequences that include opportunities for reinforcing positive behaviour while helping students make good choices. A progressive discipline approach includes:
The breaking of an expectation that involves any of the following will be considered a MAJOR OFFENCE.
The items below are not to be brought to school:
Bullying adversely affects students’ ability to learn, the maintenance and establishment of healthy relationships and the school climate. Therefore bullying will not be accepted on school property, at school related activities, on school buses or in any other circumstance (eg. online) where engaging in bullying will have a negative impact on school climate.
Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear or distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem, or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.
To combat bullying, the individual schools and the board will provide:
My Blueprint
Lexia Core 5
Lexia Power Up