I am thrilled to welcome you to Lakewood! I look forward to working closely with you to make Lakewood the best possible learning environment for every child.
David Van Laecke,
Spirit Wear orders will be offered twice a year (fall and spring).
Order forms will be sent home at these times.
We have children and staff in our school community who have severe nut and environmental allergies. In order to make our school as safe as possible, Lakewood Elementary will continue to be "NUT AWARE."
Please assist us and these students and staff by not sending food to school that contains nuts or nut products.
We appreciate that this policy requires extra thought and effort to implement, but the safety of our school community is our number one concern.
Online access to Raz-Kids reading program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)
Online access to the Prodigy math games program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)
Online access to Sumdog math games program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)
Online access to free educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students to learn on the web
Online access to PBSkids games
Online access to Discovery Kids educational games and research
Online access to free educational games, online books, and comics. Funbrain, created for kids ages preschool through grade 8, offers more than 100 fun, interactive games that develop skills in math, reading, and literacy.