In accordance with Board policy, schools are to have emergency procedures for fire drills, bus evacuation drills, lockdowns, and tornadoes. Presently, the office is updating the emergency phone fan-out system used to contact parents/guardians quickly in the event of an emergency (such as a power outage, snowstorm, etc.) that calls for an early school closure. For this reason, please ensure that the office has your most current contact information (home and cell phone numbers) as well as emergency contact numbers in case you are not able to be reached. If you have recently changed your phone number(s), please inform the office.
In the event that school buses are cancelled due to weather conditions, parents will be contacted by the phone fan-out system (if children are at school and schools close early). Otherwise, please refer to the following TV and Radio stations for information regarding school closures:
Oakland-Scotland School is located in ZONE 3.
According to Board policy, there shall be three (3) fire drills in the Fall and three (3) fire drills in the Spring.
Students are to evacuate the building in a calm, quiet manner, proceeding to the back of the school grounds along the fence. Attendance will be taken and a runner takes the tally to the secretary. The principal will then have the custodian signal the "All Clear" bell for students to return to class.
In partnership with our bus companies that provide transportation services for our students, students are to practise bus evacuation drills in the event there is an accident. With assistance from our School Safety Patrollers, students practise how to leave a bus safely using three different methods:
Learning how to exit a bus in a safe, but quick manner is an important skill for all of our students and staff to learn as all students, at one time or another, use bus transportation. This year students watched a movie and then practised safe evacuation drills on Wednesday, October 5th.
According to Board policy, schools are required to develop lockdown procedures and practise these procedures twice a year. Parents will be informed when these practices are to take place. Students are reminded that cell phones are not to be used during a lockdown.
In the event, Environment Canada issues a Tornado warning within the Oakland-Scotland School area, students will be prepared. Students will be instructed what to do and will practise these procedures during the school year.