Message from the Principal

Welcome to Princess Elizabeth

Princess Elizabeth is a K-8 elementary school with 238 students. We are located at 60 Tecumseh Street in the heart of Eagle Place not far from the banks of the Grand River.

I'm very pleased to be the Principal at PES. I have a number of goals in mind for my years at Princess Elizabeth. They include...

- Building upgrades

- Playground construction

- Increased parent engagement and participation

- Improved student safety and bullying prevention

- Enhanced use of classroom technology

- Improved home and school communication

- Engaging, meaningful and relevant student programming

I look forward to working with you and your children and look forward to the opportunity to meet you.

Brantford Parks & Recreation After School Program

This program runs every Monday after school. To register contact either the program staff at the school or contact Brantford Parks & Recreation.

Princess Elizabeth Bell Times

10:50: 1st Recess

11:10: Lunchroom

11:30: Classes resume

1:30: 2nd Recess

1:30: 2nd Lunchroom

2:10: Classes resume

3:10: Dismissal

Educational Links


Online access to Raz-Kids reading program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)


Online access to the Prodigy math games program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)


Online access to Sumdog math games program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)


Online access to free educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students to learn on the web


Online access to PBSkids games

Discovery Kids

Online access to Discovery Kids educational games and research


Online access to free educational games, online books, and comics. Funbrain, created for kids ages preschool through grade 8, offers more than 100 fun, interactive games that develop skills in math, reading, and literacy.