River Heights Elementary School sits within sight of the Grand River Bridge. This historic landmark is the only nine span bridge of its kind in Canada and is considered one of the first reinforced concrete bridges ever built. The original school building was built in 1924 and served as Caledonia High School. In 1992, the school was converted to an elementary school and River Heights was born. With a student body of almost 600 students, it is the largest elementary school in the Grand Erie District School board.
Be accountable to yourself, family and friends. Be dependable. Share, give and volunteer in your community.
Be honest, sincere, trustworthy and reliable. Ensure actions and words align.
Treat yourself, others and the environment with dignity and reverence.
Recognize and appreciate how you and others contribute to the overall effort and success of your organization or group. Recognize contributions, applaud effort and work collaboratively.
Act with courage, tenacity, determination and with a commitment to hard work. Never give up. Believe in yourself. Try your best.
Demonstrate kindness, care and thoughtfulness. Empathize with others.
Create an environment where we honour differences and diversity. Be fair and equitable.
Be humble and recognize your limitations. Strive for mutual benefit.
At River Heights, student safety is our number one priority! On potential inclement weather days, STSBHN has contacts diligently reviewing the road conditions and reporting back areas of concern and hazard. If the decision is made by the Senior Business Official to cancel transportation services, phone trees take affect and spread the news of the cancellation. The phone tree will be started no later then 6:30 a.m. on days when a cancellation is called.
Information on which zone(s) have been canceled can be found by visiting Transportation website under the "cancellations - closures -morning fog delays" icon. In addition to zone cancellations, the "bus delays" icon will inform families and students of any routes that cross zones and are also subsequently closed. The map on the cancellation page visually allows a family to see if where they live is in the cancelled geographic area.
The more traditional means of getting cancellation notifications will still be used. Part of the STSBHN phone tree has contact being made with the following TV and radio organizations:
First Learning Block: 8:45 a.m. - 10:25 a.m.
Recess/ Nutrition Break: 10:25 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.
Second Learning Block: 11:05 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Recess / Nutrition Break: 12:45 p.m. - 1:25 p.m.
Instructional Block: 1:25 p.m. - 3:05 p.m.
Dismissal: 3:05 p.m.
Below you will find important resources and educational websites.