At Teeterville Public School we emphasize the Character Attributes that Grand Erie has identified as key elements for positive character development.
This handbook serves as a guide for students, parents. and staff. There is information on a wide variety of topics in the handbook, including:
Our Kindergarten programs help students get off to the best possible start. Your child will be challenged and encouraged to do his or her very best. Our caring teachers are with them every step of the way!
Children eligible for Junior Kindergarten must be 4 years old by December 31 to enroll.
Click the following links to view and download helpful websites and resources.
EQAO Website
Students in Grades 3 and 6 complete assessments in Reading, Writing and Mathematics each spring. The EQAO website contains a great deal of information and resources for parents and educators.
Online access to Raz-Kids reading program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)
Online access to the Prodigy math games program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)
Online access to Sumdog math games program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)
Online access to free educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students to learn on the web
Online access to PBSkids games
Online access to Discovery Kids educational games and research
Online access to free educational games, online books, and comics. Funbrain, created for kids ages preschool through grade 8, offers more than 100 fun, interactive games that develop skills in math, reading, and literacy.