Vaping and Personal Mobile Devices
Effective September 2024, all Ontario school boards will be required to follow the Ministry of Education’s update to the Provincial Code of Conduct to promote healthy and welcoming learning environments. This includes all students being required to follow strict anti-vaping and personal mobile device use guidelines.
When can students use a mobile device?
Students must not use cell phones and other personal mobile devices during instructional time. During instructional time, devices must be turned off or set to silent mode and stored out of view.
Students can use their mobile device during learning time only when:
What does the use of mobile devices look like in my child(ren)’s school?
Some schools have had their own policy for the use of mobile devices. Those policies remain in effect if they meet the new minimum requirements of the Ministry of Education.
For the schools without an already established policy, they will adopt the new Ministry requirements. If you have any questions, please check with your child(ren)’s Principal.
Are social media applications banned in Grand Erie schools?
Effective July 1, 2024 the following social media sites will be blocked for students:
4chan | Lainchan | Snapchat | Twitch | |
8chan | Gab | Parler | Telegram | Twitter/X |
8Kun | InfinityChan | TikTok | Voat | |
Discord | Truth Social | |||
Endchan | Kiwi Farms | Ruqqus | Tumblr | Wizardchan |
*Subject to be updated
What does this ban on vaping mean for students?
Students cannot bring electronic cigarettes (vapes), tobacco and/or nicotine products to school, including school transportation.
If a student is in possession of an electronic cigarette (vape), tobacco or nicotine product it will be surrendered and disposed of, and parents/guardians will be immediately informed.
Do you have any resources for students who vape?
How are the public health units supporting?
The schools are working with their local health unit (Brant County Health Unit or Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit) to ensure that the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 is enforced. BCHU has a resource for youth and families who want help with vaping or smoking.
The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 prohibits smoking (tobacco and cannabis) and the use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) at schools, on school grounds and all public areas within 20 metres of these grounds. Anyone smoking or vaping on school property is guilty of an offence and if convicted may result in a fine under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017.
Thank you Mrs. Genge for your many years of service to our students at Brier Park. We will miss you and wish you the best!!! Enjoy retirement back home in Newfoundland.
Thank you to Mr. Nicholson and his class for putting on a fabulous assembly. Thank you to Mr. Petersen also for putting this wonderful video together to showcase our school. Click on the poppy to view the video.