Co-op Department Information
What is Co-Op and Who is eligible?
Cooperative Education is based on a related course in which the student is currently enrolled in or successfully completed. A Co-Op education course consists of a classroom component and a workplace component. Through these two components, the Co-Op Education course prepares the student for successful participation in a work environment. Co-Op education courses can be planned in a single or multiple credit courses, and a student between the grades 11 and 12, who have successfully completed pre-placement orientation apply to take a Cooperative Education course during course selection process. A counseling and interviewing process determines the applicant's’ suitability for the program. Prior to their placements, students must attend a structured orientation session as part of the classroom component of the program.
What are the benefits of Co-Op?
Co-op does not just benefit yourself but yourself and the employer who took you on. The employer previews and trains a potential employee, establishes links within the area school and other participating businesses, reduces recruitment, training and other supervision costs, and avoids skill shortages. The students benefits are: Developing and enhancing interest in and knowledge of a chosen workplace, it increases awareness of demands, expectations and responsibilities of employment, offers relevant training while earning credits towards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, and last but not least integrates classroom and workplace learning.
Don’t be stuck in a classroom all of your High-School years... Speak to your Guidance
Counsellor or Co-Op Education teacher today!
The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is a program specialized to students aged 16 years old and older, who have completed 16 credits towards their diploma and maintain a 70% average, the chance to meet diploma requirements while participating in an occupation that requires apprenticeship. Students earn Co-Op Education credits and, may be formally registered as an apprentice. OYAP helps young people obtain experience in over 140 skilled trades recognized in Ontario. Students completing OYAP are a step ahead of their peers in preparing for their future destination.
What’s an Apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is a hands-on training program for people who want to work in a skill trade and enjoy learning by doing. Approximately 90% of apprenticeship training is provided in the workplace by employers. The remainder involves classroom instruction on theory which is usually delivered at a local community college.
What are the benefits of OYAP and Apprenticeships?
For the student who takes OYAP they develop and enhance interest in, and the knowledge of a skilled trade. It increases the awareness of the demands, expectations and responsibilities of employment, offers relevant training designed by industry professionals, and provides pre-employment training, health and safety training and Industry Certification training. For the employer it previews and trains a potential employee, establishes links within the area school and other participating businesses, Reduces recruitment, training and other supervision costs, and avoids skill shortages.