The green space that we are creating is under way! Our Seneca Cyclone Grow Zone is located at the south east corner of the school lot. This area was selected as it was unused space by students and had great trees already. We have requested that the grass not be cut in this area to promote the growth of natural plants and to create a natural habitat for birds, bees, butterflies, reptiles, amphibians and even mammals. The snow fence was erected in the fall to cordon off the area from the rest of the playground.
Mrs. Martin’s and Mrs. Orr’s classes planted around 20 wild honeysuckle bushes along this fence to create a more natural barrier. New saplings and some indigenous plants have also been added to this patch of land. The start of a perennial flower garden that will attract bees and butterflies has been created too! We now also have a compost bin and a rainwater collection barrel.
If you have any perennial plants to spare as you are tidying up your own gardens, or if you have a few extra rocks for our gardens, or patio/paving stones to create a path, we would greatly appreciate the donations. Please watch for the new sign to be erected, thanks to the donation of the lumber from Slacks, that will be painted by Seneca students.
This new space will be used by classrooms for learning about science and social studies curriculum and supports green initiatives and the outdoor classroom learning.
Thanks for supporting our efforts to build earth stewardship with our students,
- Mrs. Orr and the staff at Seneca Central