For all critical injuries, the Grand Erie District School Board requires to be notified of all Critical Injuries by contacting the After-Hours Emergency Contact, identified on the approved permit.
Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are in all Grand Erie District School Board facilities and are available in the event of an emergency. Please take the time to locate the closest AED (usually near the gym and /or the front entrance) prior to the commencement of the permit.
If a CUS group damages Grand Erie DSB property, it must be immediately reported to an on-site custodian who will report it to the CUS Permit Clerk or their Supervisor or reported by permit holder the next business day to the CUS Permit Clerk. The cost to repair or replace damaged property is the responsibility of the CUS Permit Holder.
Custodians who have been advised of damage will follow procedure FT104 and complete a reporting Vandalism and Unusual Property Occurrence Report, detailing any damage or misuse of Grand Erie property, including property being left in an unsatisfactory condition by the permit holder.
Any equipment that may scratch, mark or break Grand Erie DSB property is not allowed for CUS. If a CUS group damages Grand Erie DSB property because of equipment brought into the school, the CUS Permit Holder will be held financially responsible for all costs associated with the repair or replacement of the Grand Erie DSB property.