Health and Physical Education

All SCS Physical-Education courses emphasize regular participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities which aim to foster enthusiasm for a healthy and active lifestyle and emphasising the importance of effective life practices. Students will examine issues related to course specific health topics and further their understanding of sport theory and strategies. SCS offers the unique opportunity to experience activities off campus with the support of community partners.

SCS Athletics

SCS offers a wife variety of teams and extra curricular activates. SCS coaches and community volunteers create an excellent environment where students athletes can further progress their skills and love of sport to be successful. Junior teams are comprised of Grade 9 and Grade 10 students and Senior Teams are Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. Students are encouraged to try-out for all teams of interest to them. There is also the opportunity for all SCS students to participate in intra-murals in a non-competitive and fun atmosphere. Students can also earn community service hours through volunteering with a school team as a scorer or manager.


Physical Education Department Head:  Greg Pajor

Physical Education Assistant Department Head: Teresa Dockx
