Week of December 2 - December 6, 2024
Week of January 6 - January 10, 2025
Monday January 6, 2025
Tuesday January 7, 2025
Wednesday January 8, 2025
Thursday January 9, 2025
Friday January 10, 2025
Cell Phone Policy -
In accordance with Ministry and Board guidelines, Brantford Collegiate Institute is committed to minimizing distractions during instructional time. Ideally, phones should be kept out of sight and on silent in order to maximize student focus.
Social media use on school devices and networks is now restricted to ensure students stay focused during school hours.
Students are not to use cell phones and other personal mobile devices during instructional time. These devices should be turned off or set to silent mode AND they should be stored out of view.
Students may use their cell phones and/or mobile device only when:
A teacher says to use it for educational purposes. ie) research, visiting a website, etc.
For health and medical purposes. Any questions should be directed to administration.
To support special education needs.