Learning Resource
Questions or concerns about students on IEPs and their progress may be directed to Mrs. Alison Senior or Mrs. Lindsey Ham in person or by email. The IEP list is distributed at the beginning of each semester which lists all student names and their exceptionality, their LRT and whether the student has a SEA laptop.
How does the Learning Resource Room help?
Our room is also available at lunch and after school for extra help.
Questions or concerns?
Questions or concerns about students and their progress who are not on IEPs may be directed to our Student Success teacher, Mrs. Lindsey Ham in person or by email. Student Success also assists students with test writing strategies, studying, time management, organization and self-advocacy tips.
Feel free to contact Mrs. Senior or Mrs. Ham if you have questions or concerns. We are here to help!
Assistive Technology for All
Assistive Technology is available to all Grand Erie students:
Kurzweil is a text-to-speech program to assist students with their reading, writing and organization of ideas and is available to all Grand Erie students. If you would like to access Kurzweil from home, click on the link below. Kurzweil requires a password different from your computer login. Forget your login? See Mrs. Ham or Mrs. Senior in the Learning Resource Room for help.
Other Helpful Tools:
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Learning Resource Team
Important Documents
and Links
Student Services