Have a Safe and Happy Holiday
To our Grand Erie communities,
JoAnna Roberto, Director of Education, Grand Erie District School Board. |
The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes a sparkle of light as the days grow shorter, a warmth in our homes as the weather turns colder, and a feeling of peace and possibility as we reflect on the year that was while a new one awaits. If we’re lucky, it is a chance to be together with those we love, sharing traditions, making memories, and hopefully enjoying delicious food while we take some well-deserved time to rest and recharge.
When I think about the winter break, what comes to mind is the togetherness. That feeling of togetherness, whether in-person or in our hearts, is what brings a warmth to the season. It’s a feeling I recognize when I visit schools across Grand Erie throughout the year – the welcoming acceptance to be who we are, the supportive atmospheres that nurture curiosity and allow us to achieve great things, and the people who make it all possible for each learner.
Our schools are our homes away from home. And it is you – our learners, families and staff members – who bring the warmth and togetherness that makes them the special places that they are. Your teamwork, resilience, knowledge and dedication are what keep us moving forward towards our goals.
Thank you to our learners and families for being the inspiration behind everything we do. Your continued engagement and collaboration keeps us moving forward as we work together to build a culture of learning, well-being and belonging. Together, we have much to be proud of as 2022 winds down and we get set to start the new year with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
On behalf of our Senior Team and our Board of Trustees, I wish you and your loved ones a safe, happy holiday season. See you in 2023!
JoAnna Roberto,
Boys Basketball win their first game of the season. Click here to read the full article.
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