

A Grand Return as Staff and Families Ready for New School Year


The 2021-22 school year begins Tuesday, September 7 for students, and health, safety, and well-being will be at the fore as staff and families prepare for a successful return.

“Our dedicated staff is ready to welcome students back with new enthusiasm to inspire each of our learners,” said JoAnna Roberto, Director of Education for Grand Erie District School Board. “We know this pandemic has been challenging, and our focus remains on the safety and well-being of our students and staff so that they can all thrive.”

In early August, the provincial government released guidance for the reopening of schools in September. Grand Erie continues to work in partnership with local public health units to update and refine processes and protocols. Many of the health and safety procedures in place will be familiar, with masking, modifications to allow for physical distancing, hand hygiene, and daily symptom screening all in effect. There are also new allowances that will see the return of team sports, use of libraries and cafeterias, field trips, and music classes.

Here’s what families will want to note as we prepare to return to learning:

  • Grand Erie’s COVID-related reporting and information webpages, including a link to our COVID-19 Guide for Families and an FAQ.
  • A listing of helpful links for the return to school can be found here.
  • Each Grand Erie school website contains key information, including bell times and contact information. To locate a school’s website, use the Find a School feature.
  • Resources for families who have selected online learning for the year are available here.
  • Families looking for transportation information, such as bus routes, pickup locations and schedule times, can find details here. This page also contains contact information for Sharp Bus Lines, which provides transportation services for Grand Erie students from Six Nations of the Grand River and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
  • More information regarding COVID-19, vaccinations and testing can be found on our local public health units’ websites: Brant County Health Unit and the Health Unit Haldimand-Norfolk.

The start of the school year also marks the launch of Grand Erie’s new multi-year plan. This summer, the school board approved the new strategic direction to guide its work in the coming years. At the centre of the plan is the vision to Learn, Lead, Inspire, and a mission to build a culture of Learning, Well-Being and Belonging to inspire each learner.

“The development of this multi-year strategic plan saw input from stakeholders across the board, from staff members, families and community members,” said Greg Anderson, Board Chair. “It represents all of our voices, and renews our commitment to lifelong learning at every level.”

To learn more about the multi-year plan’s priorities, visit this page.  

Grand Erie District School Board represents more than 25,000 students in 58 elementary schools and 14 secondary schools within the City of Brantford and the counties of Brant, Haldimand, and Norfolk as well as secondary students from Six Nations of the Grand River and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. With a dedicated staff of more than 2,500, Grand Erie is committed to learning, leading and inspiring. 

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