

Happy National Principal’s Day

"Champions keep playing until they get it right.” – Billie Jean King

Tomorrow, May 1, marks National Principal’s Day. The Grand Erie District School Board acknowledges, celebrates, and thanks all the principals and vice-principals who lead our schools every day.

Through a difficult year, Grand Erie principals and vice principals have been the biggest advocates, motivators and pillars of support for our students, staff, and wider community. Whether it was staying in touch with parents or making sure our classrooms were safe, inclusive, and healthy, Grand Erie principals and vice principals were always there as a unifying force for staff and students when they needed it the most.

There are countless stories and examples throughout this year of what outstanding leaders there are here in Grand Erie. We are fortunate and grateful to have such dedicated champions for our school communities.

Principals and vice principals play an important and rewarding role in shaping the next generation of leaders and making lasting contributions to the strength of Ontario’s public education system.

Today, and every day, let’s recognize and thank our principals and vice principals for their hard work and commitment to our students, staff, and school board.

Please take a moment to say thank you to a principal or vice principal and let them know today how appreciated they are. You can also tweet a message of support using the hashtag #NationalPVPDay.

Happy National Principal’s Day!

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