

Ontario Provides Updates About Stay-at-Home Order, Virtual Learning and Vaccines for Youth

On May 13, 2021, the Ontario government provided an update about the current Stay-at-Home Order, virtual learning and vaccine eligibility for youth. Below is information on what this means for the Grand Erie District School Board.

Stay-at-Home Order

In continued efforts to keep Ontarians safe, the province, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, has decided to extend the Stay-at-Home Order until June 2, 2021. All public health and workplace safety measures under the provincewide emergency brake will also remain in effect. 

Current Virtual Learning

At this moment, all publicly and privately funded elementary and secondary schools in Ontario will continue to operate virtually. The Ontario government, together with medical experts and the Chief Medical Officer of Health, will continue to monitor the situation to determine when it may be safe to resume in-person learning.

Vaccinations for Youth Ages 12 and 17

Beginning the week of May 31, youth in Ontario between 12 and 17 ages of age, and their family members who have not yet received the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be eligible to book an appointment. Please note that booking a COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary. A reminder that individuals ages 18 and up will be eligible to book a vaccine beginning May 24. To check your vaccine eligibility, please click here

The province will continue working with public health units and school boards to offer both doses of vaccine to youth aged 12 to 17 by the end of August.

Grand Erie will continue its efforts to keep students, families and staff informed on the latest updates regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and remote learning when they become available. 

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