

GEPIC Speaker Series Continues with Doubleheader Virtual Event

TUESDAY, APR. 19, 2022


he Grand Erie Parent Involvement Committee is thrilled to present an evening of learning for parents and guardians, featuring two renowned subject-matter experts in a unique doubleheader format. This virtual event will provide insightful, interactive learning to equip parents with knowledge and confidence on two timely topics.

Dr. Karyn Gordon.

Dr. Karyn Gordon is the CEO of DK Leadership. She is a leadership and relationship expert, bestselling author of “The Three Chairs: How Great Leaders Drive Communication, Performance & Engagement” and television personality on Cityline. During a one-hour keynote, Dr. Gordon will speak on building confidence in children and teens, helping parents understand the power of their personal attitudes on their children’s behaviour. Whether it’s friendships and dating, promoting positive body image, dealing with peer pressure or reducing anxiety, Dr. Gordon will help parents bridge communication gaps with their kids, increasing their confidence and sense of responsibility.

Dr. Onkar Singh.

Dr. Onkar Singh is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine as well as a professor, musician, speaker and advocate for equity, diversity and Inclusion. Dr. Singh’s one-hour talk focuses on understanding Sikhism, and supporting the identities of children, families and community members who observe and practice this faith. Born and raised in Brantford, he has presented to several organizations to increase understanding about Sikhism, including Brantford Police Services, and is a media spokesperson for the Brantford Sikh Association.


GEPIC Speaker Series: Doubleheader Evening of Learning


Thursday, April 28, 2022.
Dr. Gordon, “Building Confidence,” 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.*
Dr. Singh
, “Understanding Sikhism,” 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

*Attendees will receive Dr Karyn’s book “The Three Chairs: How Great Leaders Drive Communication, Performance & Engagement.”


Click here to join the live virtual event on Thursday, April 28 beginning at 6:30 p.m.

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