
Above: Grand River Hall was transformed into a space of learning, goal setting and accountability during the Learning Summit.

Grand Erie Shows Accountability to Goals with First Interactive Learning Summit

FRIDAY, OCT. 21, 2022


rior to this past Monday's Board meeting, Grand Erie District School Board hosted its first Learning Summit, offering a unique, interactive format to present the progress highlighted in its Annual Learning and Operating Plan 2021-22 final report to its Board of Trustees.

Above: Jeannie Martin shared goals and results in Indigenous Education.

"The purpose of the Annual Learning and Operating Plan is to keep the Board on track to reaching its goals, and this event offered a chance for Trustees to not only hear about that progress, but to actually see it and experience it with the individuals who are carrying out that work," said Susan Gibson, Chair of the Board of Trustees, who was joined by Student Trustee Tatyana Zebroski as they made their way to 10 booths, each focused on a different department in Grand Erie. "Being able to ask questions, hear about lessons learned and what's coming next is a real advantage over simply receiving a formal document."

The Annual Learning and Operating Plan is rooted in Grand Erie's Multi-Year Strategic Plan, a five-year path that guides the work of the Board with a shared mission to realize cultures of learning, well-being and belonging to inspire each learner.

"We were very pleased to highlight achievements from the past year with Trustees, and through the Learning Summit get up close and personal with the work we're doing together, and the communities we are accountable to," said JoAnna Roberto, Director of Education. "We are in the second year of our Multi-Year Strategic Plan, and events like this one represent the collaboration that allows us to leverage our skills, knowledge and experiences as we continue on this path."

Above: Trustee Greg Anderson catches up with Atala Andratis and Pete Ashe during the Learning Summit.

In addition to the Learning Summit, the final report for the 2021-22 school year was received during Monday's Board meeting. The companion document charts learning goals and progress in mathematics, literacy, graduation rates, mental health and well-being, and the support services which help deliver on those goals.

As the final report closed the chapter on the 2021-22 school year, the new Annual Learning and Operating Plan for the 2022-23 school yearwas also presented to the Board.


Highlights from the 2021-22 Annual Learning and Operating Plan final report:

  • Improving math and literacy results for students
  • An increase in four- and five-year graduation rates
  • 1560 classrooms received mental health and social-emotional learning programs
  • Community, student and staff focus groups, as well as a new Equity Advisory Group, were among the channels provided for the voices of equity-deserving groups to be heard, valued and included in decision making
  • Increasing four- and five-year graduation rates for Indigenous students in Grand Erie
  • Investments in classroom and school supports through new education staff, new technology and facility upgrades

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