
Grand Erie Welcomes New Trustees, Thanks Outgoing Trustees for Service and Commitment 

FRIDAY, OCT. 28, 2022


rand Erie District School Board will have four new voices serving its communities, as newly elected trustees join six re-elected representatives at the board-room table following Ontario's municipal election Monday, October 24, 2022, rounded out by representation from the re-appointed Six Nations of the Grand River trustee.

VoteGrandErie.jpg"Taking on the position of school board trustee shows a commitment and dedication to public education, to families and to the betterment of the communities in which we live," said JoAnna Roberto, Director of Education. "I look forward to working with our Board of Trustees to support learning, well-being and belonging across the district.

On behalf of Grand Erie, Director Roberto expresses her gratitude to outgoing trustees David Dean, James Richardson, Eva Dixon and Don Werden for their leadership, inspiration and dedication to positively impact Grand Erie students.

Grand Erie's Board of Trustees following the municipal election:

City of Brantford

  • Susan Gibson (re-elected)
  • Greg Anderson (re-elected)
  • Carol Ann Sloat (re-elected)
  • John Bradford

Norfolk County, wards 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6

  • Elizabeth Whiton
  • Elaine Thomas

Brant County and Norfolk County, wards 3 & 7

  • Rita Collver (re-elected)
  • Thomas Waldschmidt (re-elected)

Haldimand County

  • Brian Doyle (re-elected)
  • Lisa Passmore

S​​​​ix Nations of the Grand River Elected Council re-appointed Claudine VanEvery-Albert as the trustee to the Grand Erie District School Board representing the interests of Six Nations students and staff under the Education Services Agreement. 

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